120 kilos of food at the “Good Shepherd” with ABY Princess Catherine

The Shelter for Minors, “Good Shepherd”, held its annual Christmas party, where the little ones had the opportunity to receive gifts, play and have fun, while the adults listened to poems and music by the children of the ”Shelter”.

The ”Good Shepherd” Institute hosts boys and girls aged 6-16 years, who come from an inappropriate family environment (delinquent parents, drug users, violent, etc.)

Wise Greece, in collaboration with the Humanitarian Organization Lifeline and the ABY Princess Catherine of Serbia, lovingly provided the essential food needed by the 22 children currently living on the roof.

Pure pasta with love, legumes, Extra virgin olive oil Secos, Organic jams Drypes and feta cheese from the company Lakafosis, ie a total of 120 kg of food, arrived at Kalo Poimenas together with our wishes for a Merry Christmas! A big thank you to ABY Princess Catherine of Serbia, to Lifeline and of course to the producers participating in the Wise Greece Movement, who strengthened our mission with even more food donations!