More than 3.5 tons of food were delivered to KΥΑDΑ through the collaboration of Everest with Wise Greece.

More than 3.5 tons of essential food were delivered to the Municipality Reception and Solidarity Center of Athens (KΥΑDΑ) through the collaboration of Everest with Wise Greece and the program “Something big from something small”.

Throughout December, Everest donated 0.01€ from every order to Wise Greece, resulting in the collected amount being converted into high-nutritional-value food for KΥΑDΑ.

The Municipality Reception and Solidarity Center of Athens (KΥΑDΑ) supports more than 2,000 fellow citizens of ours every month who are in need, and we are happy to be able to offer assistance in our own way.

The visit was covered by the cameras of ANT1, conveying hope and optimism to their viewers.