NN Hellas implements 2 programs of Wise Greece

As part of the volunteering week “Your community matters”, NN Hellas collaborated with the non-profit organization Wise Greece, in order to implement two programs: The Hope Boxes and the SDGs Coffee Breaks.

During the volunteering week, 2 SDGs Coffee Breaks will take place, aiming to raise awareness about the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Employees of the company will be informed about Sustainable Goal N.3 Good Health and Well-Being and will contribute to it by donating medicines that they don’t need to people who need them the most.

In addition, they will be informed about Sustainable Goal N.2 No Hunger and after that the employees-volunteers of NN Hellas will visit the Foundations who have decided, through their vote, to deliver the Hope Boxes. Each Hope Box will include food supplies, such as pasta, flour, jams, honey, praline, legumes etc. After the distribution of the basic foods, the employees-volunteer will have the opportunity to prepare bags with food supplies for the beneficiaries and to be informed about the increased needs and the support offered to the beneficiaries.

It is an initiative of solidarity with multiple social impact, proving that together we can make a difference!