Divani Caravel hotel held the International Youth Congress on Social Entrepreneurship “The Society ventures.”
During the set of actions “Plato’s Academy – The state and the citizen” the Youth Foundation and Lifelong Learning (I.NE.DI.VI.M) with the contribution of the Impact Hub Athens team invited 14 international speakers and 13 partners from organizations, social enterprises and institutions to share the “solutions” that they give to social challenges through their actions. The Congress held around the question “How can we bring positive impact through social entrepreneurship?”
The aim of the two-day international congress was to gain important experience and promote the good practices on social entrepreneurship that would operate as a developing think tank, to promote Social Entrepreneurship in Greece.
Wise Greece, had the opportunity to present its aim, activities, mission and the solutions it proposes in order to tackle the growing problem of malnutrition within Greece.