A “Hug” full of gifts!

Ernst & Young Greece bought this year its Christmas gifts from Wise Greece, in order to support its social mission. However, the sensitivity of both parties in matters concerning children has led Wise Greece to turn the profit from the sale of the gifts into food supplies for the Charitable Association “Agalia”(which in Greek means “hug”). We had the pleasure to visit “Agalia”, offer the essential food supplies and meet the founders and supporters of the Association.  ‘’Agalia’’, with selflessness, love and respect, supports married or unmarried women, who, due to abandonment, abuse and socio-economic reasons, are forced to take away the life of their fetus-child. The Association offers protection to the child, both during pregnancy and after birth and at the same time supports the parents morally and materially.Its action is continuous and admirable! A great effort is made by all the people of “Agalia” to help parents and children and to create the conditions for a healthy environment in which a child must grow up.