SDGs Coffee Breaks Program

SDGs Coffee Breaks Program

In 2020 Wise Greece was one of the seven initiatives in the world honored by the United Nations and the World Bank for their contribution to the achievement of the Global Sustainability Agenda 2030 (see more here).

In order to maximize its social impact and with the aim of promoting the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals, Wise Greece implements the “SDGs Coffee Breaks” program with the support of big companies.

Once a month and for just 30 minutes, the employees of each company take a virtual coffee break with us, which is dedicated each time to a different Sustainable Development Goal. Every month, an employee of the Company becomes an SDGs Ambassador, to talk about the respective Goal, while we host a different Speaker from Greece or abroad to inspire us, presenting his/her own story, his/her professional path or his/her voluntary action.

Social Entrepreneurs, NGO leaders, Singers, Writers, Environmentalists, Educators, People with disabilities, Active members of the LGBTQI+ community and many others, motivate us, inspire us with their stories and share with us their actions for the Sustainable Development Goal that they serve!

And all this in just 30 minutes!

If you want us to implement the SDGs Coffee Breaks program in your company as well, contact us.